Video for Learning

Proven Process
Learn the proven video production processes of award-winning video producer, Chris Karel.

Better Skills
By the end of this course you'll be able to make your own training or learning videos.

Templates & Checklists
Downloads of every form, guide, and template you'll need to make a video.
The VFL Toolkit
The toolkit packed with all of the VFL Course downloads: templates, guides, checklists, and formulas.
Learn more about the toolkitAll The Tools and Lessons You Need To Make Your Own Videos
This course will take you from setting a goal to establishing your own process for making learning videos. At the end of the course, you will have the confidence and elevated skills to teach/train through the language of video.
Is the VFL course right for me?Make video one of your skills today!
Get access to the tools, lessons, and encouragement to create your own learning videos.